From Me, About My July

July 2011 was quite an interesting month for me. Special because it thought me a lot of things I never knew existed in me about me (I just like the way that sounds). At the beginning of the month, I knew I was going to get help but the kind of help I needed wasn't specific nor clear. All the same, I went into it expecting something.

I had always told some friends that I did not trust myself regarding some critical issues but I had never been rooted in them. I always ran before the whistle for the game was blown. However, I went into them and I flopped. I remember a Yoruba proverbs that goes "Bi iya nla ba gbe ni so n le, kerere naa ma go ri eni" (Meaning if something weighs you down, things that shouldn't mean anything will also take you for a ride). Pardon my Yoruba writing skills. I know it's poor, no excuses

I was off blog ville for a month as anonymous rightly said. I could read the posts but had no morale to post a comment. Thank God July is over because it showed that in reality, there's no one called bigs girl or super woman. We all fall for something, we all have our flaws (little less than perfect life) and we all have a price.

I saw myself journey out of His Restraing Order to places that left me cold and alone. I lacked Self Regulation and saw myself doing things I would have considered foolish. I played Leah  and of course it didn't profit me one penny but rather messed up a lot of things.

In summary, I learnt the hard way what being me entailed. I always listened to people's experiences and learnt from it but I guess it's time to use mine to teach people. My over inquisitive mind has had to go on a long vacation for some issues.

However, August 1, 2011 is here and I can say although I would do things differently in July 2011, I've learnt a lot and grown a bit. For July, four things make me really grateful:

1. Friends: They were just available and their import robbed off on me. Proverbs 27:17 (The Message)"You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another". I can face the world because some people told me I could.

2.Grace: I have always known I am a product of grace but in July, I needed it like oxygen. Thank You Lord, for Your grace because I know I'm not worthy to return to you but in that grace Lord, I still return.

3. Mercy: I obtained mercy that looked beyond my errors and faults and sort for ways to help me. Father, I'm super grateful.

4. Truth: One lesson I learnt was that the truth would always prevail.  Certain things come in black and white, no shades of grey and there's no need for sugar coating.

For these Lord, I thank You and I pray that August will see me stand strong and live better at glorifying my Priest, Master, Maker and King.



  1. Happy for you, learning is never easy but at the end it is always worth it. Hope August brings you Joy..xx

  2. Awww Miss Onakz, I'll be praying for you. God's mercy will see you through. Remember our experiences are important!

  3. Yes Giagerry. Thanks for commenting. AMEN!!!

    Anonymous, Amen. Please pray hard for me because I really need it. Yes o, they are but it is difficult to see sometimes.


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