Back to Family Basics

In the last few days, I had some conversations with family members and friends and at some point, we arrived at discussions on family. As I began to write stuff down about my ideas on the family, my JS1 (Year 7) definition of a family readily comes to mind. "A family is the basic unit of the society comprising of father, mother and children". However, for this write up, I would not be limited to the nuclear family, but also the extended. I have so much love for family no matter the distance. Anyway, this post isn't about my family, but how I think the family affects our perspectives. 

I was having a look at the Word of God and I saw some family fundamentals. I was tripped and I chose to share.

In the case of the flood, a wife, three sons and three daughters in law got saved because of Noah's just and perfect walk with God. I silently prayed, "Dear God, I want people to be saved because of my family and I want to be saved because of other families too, Amen". On to Abraham, he was told to leave his family because God had bigger dreams for him. I guess God wanted him out because they were not good enough in His plans. In addition, Lot was also saved because he was of Abraham's family and he tried to save his sons in law (Genesis 19:14). Reading the books of 1 Kings and 2 Kings, I saw phrases like "His mother's name was..., and he ...walked in all the ways of his father." I believe that our families provide the lens with which we see the world and it equips us with weapons to fight in it. 

A lot of times, when people behave in certain ways, I'm tempted to ask 
"Is this how well you can represent your folks?"

I choose to see my life not just as mine, but as an extension of people whose blood I share, whose love I'm given and whose ideologies and beliefs have shaped me. I see my life as their badge I carry to show the society  and pass on to the next generation.

*I have some new quotes. Just click on the quotes page and feel very free to leave your comments. Many thanks


  1. Nice one ma'am! A lot can be said on family and values. Its given me a whole lot to think about!


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