Arms Around

Life's as beautiful and as amazing as it can be
A lot of things seem bliss
And they all make to much sense
For a long time, life seemed like a personal race
One in which I saw everyone and everything as competition

Then it all seemed to change
Did my perception change?
Did this phase give me a new outlook and definition to it?
What exactly changed it, I can not say
All I know is my definition to life changed at a hug

A hug that said a million words
One that caused a thousand heartbeats
A hug that circled me with all its warmth
One that filled me with its strength
A hug that clothed me from the storms

Then I saw We's in places of I's
And Me's for Us

It said "I don't know what you are going through, but I'm with you in it"
It spoke "I have my stuff to deal with too, but I've got your back"
It shouted "I'm here with you for the long haul, no matter what happens"
It cried "Things may seem difficult, but don't worry, you will pull through"
Just a hug, and a lot of definitions changed
image from google


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