Our Turn

A while ago, it was the uncles and aunties thing
Now, its my generation
Quite a number of people I know are settling down
Wow, its time to get married
Almost every month, I get an invite or hear about it
I think its really beautiful
Therefore, I decided to do a research
Some of my friends were the members of the experiment
I decided to ask them what exactly they thought about the eight lettered word
I wanted to know their opinion because I am sure that in a little while, I'd have to sort out money to buy dresses, accessories and even souvenirs depending on the level of friendship
My findings have been very interesting so far and I will not mind getting more results
I also will try to post the results when I get the data sorted out
While this is ongoing, I will like to know your take on marriage

What exactly does marriage mean to you?
What is it about?

Please, I need your comments
I don't want the theory because I lot of books have provided that already
Thanks a lot


  1. Onakz, i am indeed impressed. When are u going to publish ur first book or mag. I am waiting.

    Anyway to me, Marriage is simply destiny! Whats your destination?!

    Wunmi Obaisa

  2. Marriage is a seal of eternal friendship between 2 people (may I add of different gender) who are truely/geniunely and unconditionally in love with each other... a promise of companionship dedication and faithfullness.

  3. Marriage is the only institution you obtain ur certificate before writing the exams.its the coming 2geda of two imperfect beings to become perfection...great works onaks more grace to do much more

    Oladipo Desola

  4. Marriage is 2 pple frm different backgrounds, ideologies and families coming togeda as 1. Its sounds simple but it actually needs a lot of work, patience, understanding, friendship, love and most importantly GOD.
    Its a beautiful thing I hear. No 2 marriages are the same. Its d way U lay Ur bed, dat U will lie on it. The onus is therefore on the couple to make it work in all things and at all times...
    9ice one Sis..xxx


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