Scared but Still Trusting

Hello People
How are you doing?
How was your pretty Easter weekend?
Did anything fun or interesting happen?
Hope you had a fantastic holiday.
How's your first work day at the office going?
Hope it's not too stressful
Oh well, mine is going very good too.
Thanks for thinking to ask.

I think I love children although sometimes, I am not really sure. What I know for certain is that I adore them before they start throwing tantrums, talking back at you or being generally naughty. There is really something about their innocence that excites me. Their genuine smile and easy life I guess. Another reason I like them is because it's very easy to play rough with them. Their weight is just right for tossing and their enthusiasm for adventure is amazing. 

You see, I'm that Aunty that will take your child up and spin him or her around for some seconds (Well, the child must be well over the age of 1 though). I also like to carry children and stretch them as high as my own hands can reach before bringing them to the ground again. Every time I begin playing with kids, my sister is always anxious because she's scared that something will happen. On the other hand, the kids and I are having very good fun. So evident that almost always, when I get to put them down, they come running back in minutes for a replay.

Sometimes, we are like that as children with God you know. We enjoy the thrills and excitement that His blessings and miracles give us and we turn to Him again for the next challenge.
Amazing as it is though, sometimes or should I say some of us allow fear affect the thrills we enjoy. We run to God for our education, get our degrees and we feel fantastic. We trust Him for a fantasy job or business idea, then when it comes we feel intelligent.

Then bam, it's time for Him to deal with us regarding our health or relationships or marriage or finances or work or business and we become worried. Oh God!!! I appreciate the raising and tossing you have given me in other aspects of my life, but now Lord, I'm scared. Too scared of what you will say and do regarding my home. To scared of the standard you call me to keep regarding my marriage. Too scared of how you'll want my finances to work. Lord, I'm scared of how you really want me to evolve. I'm worried of what you are instructing regarding my friendships.
We forget that we initially entrusted in His hands the other aspects of our lives and He delivered them to us way beyond our dreams could.

Please as you go into this week, let go of fear or panic or anxiety and trust Him enough to carry you through.

Being confident of this very thing, that he which began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ:
Philippians 1:6 
(English Revised Version) 

Have a beautiful rest of the week
Chilling because it's only a 4 day working week
With loads of love, hugs and kisses as always 
Miss Onakz...


  1. Lovely piece. I needed that. Keep trusting though scared. There's grace for that phase. Thanks Tola

    1. Thank you so much Kemi. There is always grace dear.

  2. Happy Easter *covers face* one thing I keep learning is that God wants the very best for us. Sometimes I can't get over it because I know the grand plans I have for myself and if God's plan is so much better I always wonder what he has in store. so no matter the situation we should keep trusting and praying. It's very hard especially when it seems like nothing is happening but thank Jesus for building my faith daily through the word of God.

    1. Lol...Thank you very much Funke. I love your analogy of our grand plans & God's best plans for us. Faith, Trusting and praying are very


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