Still Leaving All To Abba

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen
How are you doing?
I am sorry for not posting on time, I planned to write on my way to work yesterday but I got involved in other important business. I also had meetings and other issues to attend to immediately I got to the office. 
By the time I realised what was happening, it was already evening and I still hadn't written a post.
Hope you are very well though.
And didn't miss me much.
I was going to miss you too, that was why I could not wait till next week.

Over the weekend, I was with one of my best friends and guess what happened? 
Time stood still. 
We gisted about everything, anything and nothing.

While we were talking, I remembered a point in my life when my expectations were not met. (Even now, my life is still a distance from being perfect but that is another topic for discussion). You know when you think, "I should not be here" or "I am better than where I currently am".
Guess what I did?
I became very angry and bitter. Those people closest to me had to bear the brunt of my personal issues especially my immediate family. 
I was usually very angry with my sisters over small stuff. 
Things so little that when I remember them now, I just think to myself "what was that about?"
My siblings did not have anything to do with what I was going through. In fact my actions were true reflection of how I really felt inside about me, had nothing to do with them.

How do you really feel when you are hurt?
Or disappointed?
Or angry?
Or sad?
What do you do with the feelings?
Do the people around have to suffer for your pains without cause?

In the post written last week, I explained how whenever I got nervous about life, I left it with Abba.
Just so you know, I also have learnt (and in all honesty, I am still learning) to leave it with Abba when I feel very extremely low or high emotions too. Until I did, I had forgotten what it felt like to be genuinely happy even when everything is not right. 
You never know how much better you can feel until you hand things over to Abba and leave everything with Him.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Philippians 4: 6  
(English Standard Version)

Have a wonderful week still leaving all to Abba.
Loads of love, hugs and kisses from me always
Miss Onakz...


  1. God is always in control... Don't desert his own people... Good write up

    1. Yes o. Thank you so much Sola. Good to see you again after a long time. I really appreciate.

  2. Oh my gosh, this was so me, whoever is next to me when I am angry or sad bears the brunt of what I am going through. I think one of the ways I have learnt to deal with this is by meditation. It helps a lot. Also social media is a good distraction. lol. My friend told me I should also be accommodating because when you are, you tend not to easily snap at other people

    1. Lol...Meditation can be hard though. Sometimes, one can get easily distracted even with internal thoughts. I think you have to deal with your own issues before you can fully accommodate others.
      Thanks so


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