Over to Abba

Hello People
How are you doing?
It's March 2017.
Isn't that lovely?
I woke up this morning feeling very happy and I believe that's a very good thing.
Hope you are very well and happy too.

For a few aspects of my life, I enjoy planning to the littlest detail. 
For other aspects however, I just make generic plans because anytime I try to go into details, my breath becomes heavier and my heart starts racing. When I googled these symptoms, it said they were panic attacks. How can I be having panic attacks because I'm trying to plan for myself, not a multinational or a county o? Just planning for me, Miss Onakz. What is really going on?
But I've learnt something fantastic to do anytime I begin to have these symptoms, I just say to myself, "It is beyond me, over to You, "Abba".

You see, I have a wonderful relationship with my daddy, Mr Onaks. You see, I can talk to him about what I'm thinking, how I'm feeling and what my plans are. I remember once or twice, I've crawled into his bed, right beside him to tell him what I wanted even as an adult . I can tell you emphatically that he hasn't given me all my needs but I feel significantly better talking to him.
I invite you to do the same with God.

A few weeks ago, I saw something I thought I wanted. When I got into my room, I whispered a prayer saying, "Father Lord, I saw this and I like it."
Honestly, I still haven't gotten what I think I want yet, I am not even sure I still want it again sef and I'm not sure I'll ever get it. 
But I've left it with Abba because:
  • It's beyond me
  • It feels better to do so
  • He knows my needs 
  • He's sure if it's right for me or not
Above all, He is my "Abba".
"Abba, Father," he said, "everything is possible for you..." Mark 14: 36a (New International Version).

Have a wonderful week making your requests, knowing that there is always comfort talking to Abba. 
He certainly listens, hears and knows all your needs.
Loads of love, hugs and kisses as always.
Best Regards
Miss Onakz...

Abba means Father in Hebrews


  1. This is a beautiful write up. Trusting our daddy with careless abandon and daddy doesn't give us things that he knows can harm us. Sometimes he knows we are not ready to receive the gift. Talk about wearing a big hat on our little heads. The hat won't just fit.

    1. Daddy knows the core "us" and our real needs. He also understands our times. He won't give us stones instead of piping hot bread for breakfast or rubbish instead of a wonderful dinner. Like you said He does gives us what suits us.
      Thank you so much Debola...xxx

  2. Happy new month.
    I have the habit of preparing weeks ahead for something and worrying if it does not go according to plan.
    Talking to GOD everyday with our thoughts, words and worship helps us to face our daily challenges and needs.

    1. Thank you so much Nitty. Indeed, it equips us to face the challenges better and helps us to feel better.

  3. We all have wonderful ideas about how we want things to go but when you get into the planning, you realize that resources are limited and the panic starts. Same thing with our lives, we want our lives to head in a particular direction which may not necessarily be God's way. But isn't it amazing, that no matter the great plans we have set for ourselves, God always has something better? Still cannot comprehend it. It is simply wonderful. Happy new month to you.

    1. Thank you so very much!!!
      Although the resources may be limited, with God it is always better. New month on the 30th...LOL.


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