Persistence in Asking

Hello My People
It’s November. 
Happy Almost End of 2016.
I am so sorry for the haphazard communication especially from me. But seeing that you also haven’t been leaving comments, you are guilty of the haphazard communication too but I will be the bigger person by apologizing *smiles and winks*. I was on holiday for some weeks and although I never intended for it to be a blogging holiday, things just happened. I am very sorry *very apologetic face*. Speaking of holiday, I enjoyed myself but it is now back to work and fully back to achieving most of 2016 goals.

How are you doing? Hope you are very well and this year has been good so far. It is just 2 months till the end of 2016. Hurray!!! May we experience God in areas we are still in need before this year runs out, Amen!!!

In July 2016, my grandma was ill. Nothing major for an elderly lady over 90. It was just a "little" illness I told myself. As the days progressed, I just mentioned it to a few friends so they could pray about it with me. I mentioned it to God but never really prayed about it till it became more serious. Then, my heart begun to pound and ache. I now started asking myself "Did I pray enough?" After all, 1 Thessalonians 5: 17 says "Pray without ceasing".

I also had a prayer request a while ago that was initially heavy in my heart but over time,  I moved on from it. I just stopped praying about it and just wished everything was and would be fine. Between late last year and early this year, the incident occurred again. This time, I started praying about it and even told family and friends to pray with me about it. Then some months later, I began to get tired and contemplated moving on from praying for my desires. Just as I was about to stop praying again, I remembered the disappointment/ache I felt in my heart when I initially stopped praying. That simple feeling made me start praying again.

The intention of this post is not to tell you to keep worrying about your issues or how your prayers are being heard. Rather, it is to motivate you to keep praying (continuity). All I am saying is that until you get a release to stop praying about certain things or you get the actual manifestations of your prayer points: 
· Pray about it every chance you get
· Praise God for it. Sing about God's victory in that situation
· Talk to God about it in your room, car, kitchen, bathroom and in fact everywhere
· Look for Bible passages and other people’s testimonies that also relate to your situation and speak them into being
· Whisper them to God under your breath at work, on the road, while going home and as often as you can.
· Tell people to pray for/with you about it but please do not make it other people's headache while you go about your other businesses. People can only support you in prayer but you can tell God exactly what hurts and how it hurts.

Have a wonderful week telling God exactly what hurts you and how it hurts. Having the full assurance that He will answer and come through for you. 

Additional Information:
1. Please pray with me for a very special friend of mine. She is very ill and has been hospitalised.
2. Guess what? I have a give away. I should do it this November, hopefully. It was supposed to be in September but I postponed it. It is a book written by a friend of mine but I am still thinking of how I want the give away to be structured. I just wanted to give you a heads up.


Load of hugs, love and kisses.
Miss Onakz...


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