Do We Still Call It Domestic?

As I read the news, I saw different forms of violence against women. The question I often ask myself is "does this still qualify as domestic?" Women are molested, raped, gang raped, beaten, maimed and killed because they chose to love and trust. They upheld their vows and promises by choosing to be in a relationship even when they are being destroyed in it & for it. For this women, I would like to ask again, do we still call it domestic violence?

Please say a word of prayer for women in the jaws of violence.
*Image gotten online from google


  1. This shouldn't be called domestic anymore cos there r more and more cases of violence towards women. I think there should be greater punishments for offenders so that way d violence would reduce if not eradicated totally.

    1. Thanks a lot I even had to stress you to write your comment again. I agree with you, greater punishments should be given to offenders but are women themselves willing to follow through with it?

  2. Seriously, i'm not one of those who believe in sticking through (with an abuser)to the end. A court injunction or even a separation can be resorted to. Maybe I blame these women sometimes because i believe the signs are most often than not right in our faces; violent behaviour doesn't happen suddenly. However, varying circumstances especially when there are children involved can make one consider sticking with it. I'm praying for wisdom for these women and healing for the men because at the end of the day, only hurting people hurt others.

    1. I believe the issues of violence are not as clear cut as we think. I perfectly agree with you that some women are the architects of their misfortunes. They choose not to regard the signs. Sometimes, they even report the cases hoping that the violence will stop but don't want justice done because of their "love" or what the society would say. Wisdom and strength is really essential for these women and healing for the men. Thanks a lot Tolu, I really appreciate.

  3. It is beyond domestic now. In Nigeria, ds past month we have seen/ heard a lot of stories. Our culture dsnt help either because a lot of women can't voice out because of reasons known 2 them. On a certain occassion I heard a girl say her boyfriend beats her cos he loves her. If @ dt stage she endures so much imagine wt hapns when dey get married. So many people bliv marriage is a DO or DIE affair bt its not. The moment he lays a finger on u pls start having a re-think! Personally & Collectively, as women, let us fight against any form of violence domestic or not because no 1 would do dat 4 us not even d government or our family members. :)

    1. Yes, I can't call it domestic anymore. Recently, I have read and heard too many stories, my eyes and ears are really full but it isn't only in Nigeria. With Nigeria however, we hardly ever hear justice. He would kill her when they get married since he loves her still. A lot women have fears of being alone or single. Relationships are not do or die and we should be able to tell signs when forms of violence are involved. We have to really think of the way forward. Thanks a lot

  4. I don't understand how come I am following your blog, yet I don't see your blog updates on my dashboard. Na wa for blogger oo.

    1. Really, na wa for blogger o. Maybe I'll have a look at my settings again. Thanks for coming here.

  5. It's just criminal. The stories i been reading about lately just breaks my heart. IMO, not all the people who walk on the street are sane. Women need to learn to read the signs.

    Nice blog. Now following

    1. The stories are really hurtful. I feel so much pain for the ladies involved. Yes, as women we must shine our eyes. God help us. Thanks a lot Toinlicious.

  6. I believe stiffer punishments should be meted out for violence against women - death penalties and long jail terms probably. lol. Seriously though, it's a major problem with the African society. Women are seen as tools in the hands of men and this is one mentality that should be addressed sooner than later (Glad to know it's been addressed somehow now though). Someday we'll get there. My heart goes out to women who have been victims. It is well!

    1. Thanks Geebeee, it is very well. I think in addition to any punishment though, counselling should be made available for the victims and the abusers.

  7. i guess it is called domestic when it happens within a home/marriage. that however shouldn't stop the abuser from being punished by the law, it is criminal whether it is within the marriage or not.

    1. It is called domestic because it is relationship based. Indeed the abuser must be punished and also helped.


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