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It's beautiful spring day
The sun is risen and so is Christ
The beautiful springing flowers and our wonderful lives with Him
The birds sing and our praises ascend
I honour this great day in remembrance of the ultimate sacrifice
The sacrifice that cost a life, a man
With sweat, blood, tears, nails, cross
The times of other people, their spices for preservation
The tomb of another man
He died and rose
That we might have
Life with health, peace, joy overflow and too many goodies
This sacrifice was the greatest and even the people that were with him gave their little
All these made our lives worth something special because, it was paid for in full by the One who loves and adores us
How grateful are we for this?
What are we willing to sacrifice for Him?
How do we choose to show our appreciation?
In anyway you choose, songs, with our lives...
Please just make sure you say thank You for the greatest sacrifice of all.
The one that makes life worth it

Prayer: Lord, once again, I look at the cross and I'm humbled. I worship You because You went all for my sake. Father, today I pray that You please help me to always make Your sacrifice worth it. Help me to always live my life reflecting on this great act of Yours and give You glory in all I do in Jesus name. Amen.


  1. Thank God for the sacrifice on the cross. Thanks for this deeply inspiring piece. Happy easter!

  2. Happy Easter babe! Easter was my birthday so double celebrations! Thanks for sharing this- it's beautiful


  3. well done love

  4. This easter season has still got a ripple effect in my life. Alleluia!!!
    iLike :D

  5. Yes, indeed, He makes life worth it. Beautiful song.


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