Now Celebrities?

A young man, over 20 and all he ever saw was darkness. He carried out his tasks in the darkness because that was all he knew, he was born blind. He often went into streets. He depended on people for his needs; for food and for direction therefore he spent a lot of time begging.

A few days later in another city, two sisters were attending to their ill brother. He was in such bad state that everyone feared the worst. He wasn't eating, wasn't sleeping and had no strength to do anything. Their fears soon became reality when he breathed his last.

These individuals would have felt like hangers on and their people would have thought of them as being too dependent. But they were both in their states for two different similar reasons. The first "... that the works of God should be revealed in him..." and the second "...for the glory of God, that the son of God may be glorified in it..."

In the end, these two men got what they and everyone around them wanted for them and they became celebrities. The first man gained his sight by a touch with clay and a rinse at Sent. He immediately made headlines and was invited for interviews with his parents. The second man also, by a few words got strength for his still and stinking body. He was able to walk out of the tomb alive.

We all go through stuff not so pretty, but in the end, those things set the platform to make us better and reveal the glory of God. The blind man after years of darkness was suddenly able to have a look at the world. Lazarus also, after sickness and death was able to arise, pain free and he even had a meal with Jesus at the table and people wanting to get a glimpse of him.

In anything and everything we encounter, His glory is the single most important factor that makes the difference and ends the story with grand style.


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