
I'm sorry I don't write as regularly and as fine as I used to, I've got quite a number of things on my plate (a thing I really thank God for).
I would love to use this opportunity to thank everyone that have ever given me a few minutes by reading my blog, writing comments and following me. I appreciate you and I am truly thankful.
I also thank God for 2011 as a whole because it brought its experiences and a lot to learn from.

My thoughts for a while have been on meaningful relationships and wonderful friendships not only because they help against boredom, but they give an assurance.

Was reading Mark 14 some days ago and a few verses struck me:
V32- When Jesus and His disciples got to Gethsemane, He said to them "sit here while I pray"
V33&34- He then took a few steps with His three; Peter, James and John and explained to them how he felt, giving them the responsibility "stand and watch" (pray)
V35- He went further alone and prayed for Himself

Life's responsibilities are individual assignments but a lot of times, we really need twelves and threes.

Twelves are those who are there.
Threes are those we can communicate with and express our fears to.

It isn't just right we are here together, I want you to be able to listen as I speak, not because you know all, but because I know you can always have my pearls.


  1. Nice analogy, I agree with you on how necessary friends can be.


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