When You Get Tired...Rest!

Hello People!
How are you doing?
Hope you had a very good weekend and your week is going well.

Thank you very much for the comments and encouragement.
I feel so much love reading them.
I am very grateful.

Let's talk about rest today, shall we?
Sometime last year, I had a very busy week and an even busier weekend.
You know those long weekends that you just can't make any excuses for.
An event for the whole of Saturday and another event on Sunday that required my attendance. Anyway, the Saturday one was a breeze. I was cool, calm and collected 😉.
But by Sunday, I was tired, exhausted, fatigued and every similar adjective you could find but I was still required to make that appearance.
Luckily, I got to the event and assumed I was good.
I snapped a bit but it wasn't too bad, so I thought I had tried to mask my exhaustion well.

Trouble came when it was time to drive back home.
I entered the car, started the ignition to begin my journey and it was still cool.
Unfortunately, there was a road cone used to obstruct the first exit so I had to turn in another direction. I turned around quite alright to pass the alternate route. Just then, I saw a big ditch obstructing the other exit too.
That is another road block, right?
I thought it wasn't or should I say I wasn't processing information properly anymore? 
Instead of me to gently turn back from the ditch exit to the cone exit, and then explain to the person there that there was a big ditch at the other end, I thought I could aggressively drive into and/or over ditch.
Guess what? 
Right before my eyes, I was scared and alone inside that car as it hung at about a 45 degree angle mid air.

That was when it occurred to me I was too tired to process information logically and I needed to rest.
Thankfully, the men at the scene were able and kind enough to get the car out of the ditch. I eventually got home in one piece. Of course, people around even asked how I thought I could drive over a ditch that big. I got a lot of the "What were you thinking?" and "How were you planning to go over it?" stares.

What do you do when you are exhausted?
I don't mean only physically though. I expect you to have a good sleep after a long day or a power nap during the day if you are very physically tired.
What I honestly mean is tired mentally, morally, spiritually, emotionally...
What do you really do when you are that tired!

"Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11: 28 (New Living Translation)

Just rest in God that everything will be fine.
Have a wonderful rest of the week. 
Trusting and believing that sometimes, what you need is REST.
Loads of hugs and kisses
Miss Onakz...


  1. I take some time to rest , re evaluate the situation or encourage myself in the Lord, then get back on my feet.

    1. Hmmm, we need to talk about getting back on our feet too. Thank you so much for adding that Busola 😍

  2. Yes, physical rest is great. Above all, mental and emotional rest is the best and can only be got through rest in Christ. Thanks again Tola for the reminder, well needed.

    1. Thank you so much Kemi. Yes, only God can provide rest and clarity in times of stress. 💕

  3. This happens to us all and we always assume we have superhuman strength. The rest from Christ is truly the ultimate which gives us peace of mind. Have a lovely waleek Miss Onakz

    1. Tayo, I am learning to laugh at the thought of being super human. We in deed rest in Christ. Thank you very much. 😘

  4. This is such a beautiful write up..... Well done Tola!!!!! This has reminded me of the importance of taking out time to REST and the actual REST is found in Jesus Christ who is our burden bearer.

    1. Indeed, only Him can soothe our hurts and pains. We get better understanding of how to handle life when we rest in Him. Thank you so much Tolani. 😁

  5. We need this reminder daily, especially this year.

  6. Thank you for reminding us we are not supermen after all. He promised to renew our strength. We need to take time out to relax.


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