The Snail Experience

All life's experiences; beautiful, sweet, pleasant and even the ugly, nasty ones are supposed to be used to glorify God and help others.
We remember our accomplishments, the commendations we received, the joys we radiate, the pains we have felt, the events we want six feet under, everything, is useful for God and to God
He wants to make use of us even with our experiences.

My mind examines the snail
A snail lives in its shell, carries it about and grows in it and with it
It is its constant companion, its habitation, its shield and its protector
The larger the snail, the bigger its shell
Ever seen a large shell with a little snail?
Since a snail can't live without its shell, 
We cannot live without our experiences
The moment the shell becomes too burdensome, the end of it is near
Our experiences: we live with them, learn from them, grow in them and use them to impact others
"Forgotten experiences are worthless" (Rick Warren 2002: 252) 
Just like the snail, experiences are companions, teachers,  identities and guides 
I choose to live with these experiences
But above all, I choose to make the most of them


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